Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Purpose? Unknown..

Personally I'm not sure why I decided to make another blog.. especially since I have no one that would or could read it.. but in the event that someone ever gets to this page.. I hope you find it to be informative and interesting.. so that this isn't just me writing and figuratively shouting into the echo chamber. And so we begin on a journey whose length is undetermined and whose result is uncertain at best..

Health Care is a Right?:
According to Senator Obama, Health Care is now a right in America. In the previous incarnation of this blog I had written a piece on Human Rights vs. Moral Obligations, and that piece is certainly relevant in this election season and I wrote that months ago. I'm tempted to simply cut and paste.. but what's the point if no one is going to read it anyway? Besides I'm writing this to sort out my own thoughts through writing.. so that would be an exercise in futility to some extent wouldn't it? In any event lets just break this down to the basic facts and arguments and see what comes out as a result. Simple enough, right?

As I understood it America was founded on certain rights that were given to us not by a king, not by committee or legislature or even by popular vote, but by GOD. Among these rights are LIFE, LIBERTY and the pursuit of HAPPINESS. No where in there do I see a mention of health care, but perhaps that's because at the time of the founding a persons health was considered to be their own responsibility. There was no shortage of disease, famine or hardship, but instead of looking to the government for help people looked instead to their families and communities when the burden became too great. But wait, what about equality what about fairness? The concept of equality and fairness in America is one of the most misunderstood concepts that has ever been a part of the public discourse. The equality and fairness in America comes not in the redistribution of wealth and benefits, but in the equality of opportunity. Every American citizen is given the opportunity to excel in whatever aspect of life they choose in order to achieve whatever their goals are. The part where people get confused is where people confuse equality of opportunity and equality of result. When people begin to expect equality of result when they don't put in the same amount of blood, sweat and tears, then you have communism and that seems to be the direction that the Democrat party seems to be leaning in.

I think now I can safely say that I've established that America was founded on the principal of inequality of outcome. Of course this is all based on equality of opportunity, and any system that affords equal protection of opportunity will always result in unequal outcomes. Each person ahs different talents, energy levels, work habits and motivation. Where's the crime? Whats the problem? The talented will always have more because they produce more, the hard working will always get more because they work longer. This is the basis for the free market system, and the foundation upon which our republic is built. This applies to any issue you care to apply it to: Health Care, the Credit Crunch, entitlement programs.. et all.

I could go on for pages and pages, but I figure this is long enough as it is.. I think from here we can go on a bit of a civics lesson on my next blog. The question becomes why was our government formed and what is the purpose of that government? Is it to simply protect our GOD given rights from threats both foriegn and domestic, or is it to redistribute wealth to ensure fairness and equality of outcome for all? Did we give the federal government a monopoly on force simply to have them turn around and make us give our wealth to our neighbor? All these questions and more will be answered on the next installment of this blog, (forgive me Mr. Medved) in this greatest nation on God's green earth.

Random Thoughts:
Now everybody got the game figured out all wrong,
I guess you never know what you got till is gone..
I guess that's why I'm here and I can't come back home,
and guess when I heard that when I was back home..
In the interviews I'm representin you makin you proud,
Shoot for the stars so if you fall you land on the clouds..

Quote of the Entry: There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do.
- Freya Madeline Stark (1893-1993) Franco-British explorer, Travel Writer

1 comment:

RandomRambler. said...

Read your blog post and found it quite interesting. Loved how you distinguished equality of oppurtunity from equality of outcome. However, from where I come from we get neither of the two. Anyhow, thought I'd drop in a comment and let you know that you're not just ranting in an echo chamber, which is exactly how I felt two days ago when I wrote my first blog.